Air Quality and Smoke Resources
Air Quality
Put in your zip code to see the air quality near you. It’s a quick color indicator with more detailed data accessible.
Idaho Air Quality
Shows all the air quality monitors across the state at once for a big picture. Click on each site for details.
Air Now App
Available in your phone’s app store
Air Idaho App
Available in your phone’s app store
Also includes burn restrictions
Air Quality – Daily Reports and Forecasts https://www.DEQ AQI/
Daily Idaho DEQ Air Quality Reports, 3 day forecasts, residential wood heating and outdoor burnings restrictions
Air Quality Forecast Guidance for Idaho
Smoke Forecasts. To see how smoky the sky is on the left side select “1 hour average vertical smoke integration” from the drop down menu. Click the play arrow under looping controls. You can see the forecast of how smoky or hazy the sky will be through the day.
Fire and Smoke Resources
Western Fire Chiefs Map
Identifies fires with names and has personnel and air resources
Air Now Fire Map
Spots hotspots
NOAA – NEIS Data Visualization
NOAA Smoke data including Surface Visibility, Vertically Integrated Smoke, Near Surface Smoke, Fire Detections.
PNW Smoke Map
Air Quality monitors plus current fire locations.
NOAA Smoke Forecast Loop
Near surface and total smoke forecasts. Make sure you select “near surface
smoke” from the Air Quality Elements drop down menu. Click the play arrow
under looping controls. You can see the smoke prediction through the day. This isa great tool for planning outside activities.
Idaho Smoke Information
This site is an effort by county, state, tribal, and federal agencies to coordinate and aggregate information for Idaho communities affected by wildfire smoke.
Surface smoke forecasts. On the left side select “1 hour average surface smoke” from the drop down menu. Click the play arrow under looping controls. You can see the smoke prediction through the day. This is a great tool for planning outside activities.