In 2022, Idaho SBDC consultants had a tremendous impact on the success of small businesses in Idaho. Within the year we saw sales increase as one of our leading indicators of success along with our many other impact report numbers, such as jobs created and capital raised. We want to recognize our fantastic consultants for helping Idaho businesses reach new heights. To see our entire 2022 impact report click here.
The consultants below are categorized by the increased sales they have helped Idaho businesses achieve throughout their tenure. However, this number does not encapsulate the sum of a consultant’s impact, as our clients know that this value can be infinite at times. Idaho SBDC consultants are selfless, meet with clients where they are, and take action to put our clients in the best position with little to no regard of the effect it will have on their individual recognition. With this, it is crucial to recognize the increased challenge faced by consultants in rural areas that historically describe Idaho because although serving a smaller population might make business growth all the more difficult, our consultants make it look easy!